If there were one thing that you could do that could make the greatest difference in one small, spiritually dark corner of the world, would you do it?
Recently, in our Wednesday night prayer time, I shared a challenge that was given to me more than twelve years ago by Daryl, a dear friend and fellow intern at Calvary Baptist Church, our sending church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Here is the challenge: Choose to pray every day for six months for something. See what God can do when we put his honor on the line.
A few of us here at the Centro Evangelico Battista have taken that challenge. I decided to pray for three items, since I couldn’t make up my mind…
To read the rest sign up for our updates in the box on the right —->Praises
- A well attended outreach concert with Angelo Maugeri.
- A clear Gospel presentation at our annual soccer outreach.
- Our first week of Vacation Bible School with 30 children in attendance. Many parents came for the special outreach Sunday we had at its conclusion.
- Melodee’s pregnancy.
- A new open door to play in community bands, where I am able to make new connections.

Jon’s Gospel presentation at the soccer tournament

Melodee teaching crafts at Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School Children singing “Our God is so BIG”