We simply HAD to give you the great news while it is less than a day old…

We praise the Lord for granting us what was deemed “nearly impossible” by the clerk at the police office that processed our request.
Just this morning I read in E. M. Bounds’ classic book on prayer:
Nothing is too hard for the Lord to do. As Paul declared, “He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.” Prayer has to do with God, with his ability to do. The possibility of prayer is the measure of God’s ability to do. The “all things,” the “all things whatsoever,” and the “anything,” are all covered by the ability of God.
I think that even when we are confident in God’s answer we are still helplessly in awe when He comes through for us in these ways.
Then again, as Paul reminded us in Romans 8:32:
He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
Thank you for being with us on this adventure!
We are also extremely in debt to our dear friend Sarah Blocher, from our sending church, Calvary Baptist, who went out of her way to overnight some vital documents we needed last minute when our application was first denied.
In other news…
1. Noah had his first day of pre-school Monday!
Pray for him to adapt quickly. He seemed to enjoy himself, especially his first day, but the teachers are a bit concerned because he does not speak much Italian yet.WELCOME TO LIFE AS A THIRD CULTURE KID!!
2. I finally got my follow-up appointment with my Oncologist, for October 1st.
3. Sunday we had our first Ministry Fair Sunday at church! It was a very exciting day!

Worship leading


Ministry fair
Jon & Melodee,
The “white pencil” picture is quite moving for me. Who would have guessed that a little item we brought 5 years ago as a humorous thing to talk about, is still used as a symbol of servanthood and ministry! What a blessing to have been a small part of God’s work in the beautiful people of Centro Evangelico Battista. I made sure that Johnny V heard about the picture!
Pam and I rejoice in God’s answer to prayer for Melodee’s permanent residence card. That is another example, as you said, of the Lord’s ability to do above and beyond all that we are able to ask or think!
Thank you Chester! Your visit was certainly a landmark moment in the life of our church and in our sister city/sister church relationship!
WooHooooo!!!!! So glad to hear this. Love to you all!
P.S…Matita Bianca would be proud! 🙂
Wow! Houston’s doing a happy dance of praise!!! Miss you!