Last night, as I led the deacon training time, I looked around the room and was struck by how committed and engaged these men were, even at 10:30 pm!
God truly does work, despite the challenges and even through the challenges he brings about in our life and ministry.
I apologize if in my last letter you sensed desperation or dismay. My goal was to help you pray more earnestly, and certainly not to make you feel sorry for us!
Someone said: “If you don’t feel inadequate or overwhelmed you are not working at something only God can do!”
God is doing things only He can do here. Here are
Three undeniable answers to your prayers for Italy:
1. You prayed for Noah’s adjustment.
Every morning on our way to Noah’s preschool, I take time to pray with Noah for his day. One thing he ALWAYS asks me to pray for is that the new teacher will not yell at him (She is an old school Italian educator.). Today after I prayed, he mumbled something from the back seat. When I didn’t understand, he got a little frustrated with me: “I want to pray too!” If that does not melt a parent’s heart, what does? God is working in Noah’s heart!
2. You prayed for the trials of missionaries to Italy.
- The Standridges and the the other missionary family I mentioned are both scheduled to return! Please pray for them!
- Sunday my Dad will begin his regular preaching, just in time for the Christmas season!
Praise God for working in their lives!
3. You prayed for our ministry.
(Here is where the letter risks getting too long!!)
Monday I was able to read Psalm 121 and pray at the graveside of the aunt of Serenella. (Serenella is the sister in Christ that found me the Oncologist in Milan, just as a frame of reference.)
It’s remarkable that God allowed me to share at all. Just moments before, at the funeral, the priest has verbally abused Serenella’s family for trying to “lead this woman astray from the one catholic faith!”
God is working in their hearts.
- A few weeks ago, the youth hosted the church on our regular Friday night and we put together 2000 Bible calendars to give out in the Christmas season! It’s a new record!
We have been studying shorter books of the Bible every Friday evening and have seen them get more engaged. One girl has also been bringing a friend!
Maturing the church to independence:
After so many years of sacrifices, we are making great strides toward our long sought after goal of forming an autonomous local Baptist church.
- We have begun monthly deacon training meetings.
- We have started small groups in the homes as a way to equip leaders and foster community.
- We are training more worship leaders.
- Melodee has almost completed her second course of music training for members.
- For our Christmas program we translated and are working on Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus (praise or prayer request?). Just a few years ago we couldn’t even get the choir to harmonize!
There is so much to be grateful for!
Exciting things are not happening despite the trials, but through the trials! Walls are being knocked down (literally, as the church building is undergoing the next step of the long-term remodeling process) because God is doing so much!
Do you realize that in God’s sovereign plan he has used YOUR prayers and your giving to make all of this happen?
Thank you for making a difference!