Happy March!
Okay…so we kind of missed February…it slipped by us so fast!
I hope it was a good February for you. In Italy, February is the month of Carnival, which precedes Lent. Yesterday was Mardi Gras, if I’m not mistaken. In laymen terms, for about a month you can let loose to the flesh before you repent of it.
This is so representative of the mindset of the human religion: celebrate sin, then make holiness look like the most pitiable of lives, trying to appease God with your own efforts.
Preaching through the Sermon on the Mount, we are discovering that the Pharisees had a similar mindset when they adapted the Law of God to their own evil way of thinking.
Today we talk about news: some “no news”, some bad news and some very good news.
- No news is good news…at least we hope!One of the reasons I did not write sooner was that I was hoping to give you an update on Melodee’s Italian citizenship that you prayed so hard and long for.
We have not received any more news about that, which is a very good thing, most likely, because the first time around we received almost immediate rejection. Her official paper status is “processing”. We are encouraged.
- Now for the bad news…We’ve actually received quite a bit of it lately.
- Today we went to the funeral of a friend’s dad who passed away suddenly on Sunday.
- Our friend Nicola has had cancer now for five years.
Then there is our other friend Nicola. Nicola is one of our original deacons. He was diagnosed with pancreatic and liver cancer about a month ago and is most likely living his final days on earth. He and his wife are some of the kindest and most generous people I know. Their joy and faith through it all are such a blessing, despite this being a huge hit to all of us. Please pray for them and their unsaved sons.
- Next week my Dad has a biopsy for possible prostatic cancer. He is shy about asking for prayers…but I’m not! Your prayers are part of why I am still alive! Pray for wisdom for us all.
- Lastly, for some Good NewsYou know what news I am talking about. THE GOOD NEWS!
It’s what gets us up in the morning!
- Going to a catholic funeral today, we were reminded of how important our job is. Here are a few of the blasphemies we heard:
- Jesus becomes bread and wine and dies again every time a mass is celebrated.
- We must pray to angels, saints and to the Virgin Mary to intercede on our behalf.
- We need to pray for the deceased to be saved.
- Pray several people who I have been able to share the Gospel with
- Pray for God to continue to use the preaching of His Word. Last Sunday was on adultery and divorce. This Sunday is on oaths and speaking truth.
- Going to a catholic funeral today, we were reminded of how important our job is. Here are a few of the blasphemies we heard:
What a privilege to know that God is in control of the unknowns, of the challenges, and of ultimately prevailing against sin and unbelief! We are just grateful to have a small part in it with you.
Jonathan and Melodee, Noah and Eva
Praying for Nicola’s family and all of you.
Thank you Dorothy!