Jon and Dr. Lillis, another of my educational inspirations, at Seminary Graduation (Dr. Carson was not available for this photo shoot)
When I was in college we had a yearly Bible Conference. My last year, as I toiled with what to do next, I heard Dr. D.A. Carson speak on a book I never imagined could come alive to me: Ezekiel.
It was then that it dawned on my how important a theological education is for those who want to serve as ministers of the Gospel…to help “dead bones come alive.”
Especially in Italy, where so many people claim to be Christian but have never been exposed to faithful teaching of God’s Word, we need to be equipped to rightly divide the Word of Truth.
Here is a tribute to this man (who as far as I see is still alive…though it sounds a bit like a eulogy). Appreciation for Don Carson.
Thank you Dr. Carson for the inspiration you gave me that day!