Thank you for praying for our 2016 Vacation Bible School!!!

You prayed, God answered!

We had an exceptional week of Vacation Bible School thanks to the hard work of many members of Centro Evangelico Battista, Calvary Baptist Church in Grand Rapids (our sending church) and Partners in Discipleship International.
Our theme was “God Always Wins!”, which is courtesy of Children Desiring God Ministries.

In my last note I asked a specific prayer request for one child with a difficult family background. Unfortunately, that child was not able to come to the Sunday event, but please keep praying for him!

I am thankful for Daniel and Elizabeth Ransom, my exceptionally gifted co-workers, for this wonderful video!

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6 Responses to Thank you for praying for our 2016 Vacation Bible School!!!

  1. Arlan P. says:

    Hello Jonathan and Melodee, You guys seem to be having a good time at VBS. I trust the rest of the week goes well. Say hello to Pastor Chad and Halley for me.

  2. Anne Zimmerman says:

    God is GOOD! It is so exciting to see the kids singing and having such a good time. We’ll be praying that the Holy Spirit will use His Word to bring the children to Jesus.

  3. jonathan says:

    We had a great time!!! We were sorry to see them go!! Will you be coming next time! 😉

  4. Brian Dix says:

    As we say in the peninsula west of you, Deus sempre vence! Thanks to the whole team for your hard work, your passion for God, and your love for His people.

  5. Colleen Smith says:

    Fabulous. I smiled through the whole video. Thank you for serving our Lord in Italy.

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