Tag Archives: Prayer request

Living, Learning and Serving in a Pandemic

God blessed us greatly during the Coronavirus lockdown despite the challenges. Continue reading

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Pray for my message preparation!

Good morning from Italy! It’s getting that time a week again…where I really need your prayers to finish the message. 😫 Let’s just say that its not easy to focus with two creatively energetic munchkins running around (literally). What is … Continue reading

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When Coronavirus Hits Close to Home

I had been hoping to give an update for a while.  I hope to share with you sometime soon how things have changed for us since I shared my Top ten things I’ve loved about the Coronavirus lockdown. But not … Continue reading

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Interview with Randall Gilmore on Covid-19

I hope you had a chance to listen to my interview with Randall Gilmore. We had a terrific time! You can listen to it here. Share!BufferFacebookTwitterWhatsappEmail

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Life in a Virtual Quarantine

I admit…I’m probably not the best person to write about this topic. After all, I’ve never seen a zombie movie, nor do I plan to. Yet the surreal atmosphere that the world, and especially Italy is facing right now with … Continue reading

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