Making new friends, reconnecting with old ones

Greetings from Ohio!
This week is the halfway mark of our summer furlough.

We spent this week at the Baptist Mid-Missions annual conference in Elyria. What a great culmination to two months of blessings!

How have we been blessed?

I’m glad you asked!

1. Reconnecting

Reconnecting with all of you who are passionately praying and giving to the ministry in Italy.

The hardest part is always saying goodbye, knowing it will be a long time before we meet again.

2. Making new friends

We are always excited to see how God is working in people’s lives. This week for example we met the brother of a friend we knew from college!

Even Noah made a new BFF!

3. Sharing the spiritual need of Italy.

Ultimately we are here because of our great burden to raise awareness for the great need and harvest awaiting in Italy.

One family (you know who you are!) drove two hours to hear us share!

Tomorrow night we will be speaking to a group of concerned Christians in Columbus, OH.

We have even started scheduling for next summer!

We appreciate our prayers and your faithful giving. God is so good to us, allowing us to have a small part in His perfect plan.

The Whitmans

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