I sat down to work on my Bible Study for Sunday about an hour ago. Compared to preparing a sermon it’s not nearly as challenging…yet I couldn’t get started!
I realize that I need wind for my sails and gasoline in my tank! God uses your prayers to make it happen!
So here I am taking a “break” to get you on board and praying!
Here are five vital and strategic prayer requests:

1. Church plant in Foligno
Foligno is the third largest city of Umbria, and most unreached of the larger centers in our region.
- This Sunday, April 14th, we will have our third monthly Bible study at 5 pm. Pray for me as I finish preparing my study!
- We are also meeting for prayer on Tuesday afternoons at 11 AM EST (5 PM our time) to pray for that city in the home of a lady there. Our hope it to encourage the few believers in that city to begin to build the foundation for a future Baptist church there. Most of the ladies are members of an Evangelical church in Assisi, because there isn’t a solid testimony in their town. Would you be interested in praying for Foligno during that time too?
- My Dad, Daniel, and I are also taking turns going to Foligno once or twice a week to work at a Coworking desk, in the same location where we do our Bible studies. We’ve made friendship with several people there. Slowly but surely we are able to start some spiritual conversations!
- We have a core of people from our church who are involved, but as you can imagine their lives are very full! Pray for perseverance for all involved!
- I also try to play in the local symphonic band every chance I get. Melodee is even accompanying Cristina Ransom in a violin competition! Pray for the many musicians we are in contact with.
- In May I will be playing with my horn teacher and his wife too!
(Because of new European laws, I am not
able to put names here like before, but feel free to drop me a note and I
can get you more details).
2. Theological Training
We just concluded our first theological trainingseminar of the year at our church. We have several men attending, though some are getting discouraged because of the hard work. Our friends at the Italian Theological Academy
are doing a great job at bringing these directly to our church for us.
Please pray for them too! Daniel has done an outstanding job
organizing it for us despite his busy schedule including running our
radio station.
3. Spiritual attacks
Ever since we started the Foligno project we have seen several minor attacks:
- I had a small accident the day of our first event.
- Another day, in Perugia, they attempted to break into our car.
- Donatella’s husband fell last week too, so she is not able to participate in the prayer meetings in Foligno or the Bible Study (she is one of our core participants).
- I have had eye problems, sciatic nerve problems, back problems. Yesterday I even had to go to a cardiologist!
- For the last two meetings Melodee has not been able to come because Noah suddenly got sick on Saturday night/Sunday morning.
4. Preaching
I have been doing a lot of preaching in Perugia since the beginning of
the year, which has been wonderful but also brings an added intensity
and weariness to our life. During the Easter season we asked my Dad to
pick it back up. I’m excited for the break, and we’re glad to hear him
preach too!
5. Family
Please continue to pray for our family:
- for the salvation of our children,
- for a strong marriage
- for wisdom in our planning and budgeting, especially in light of a probably move of our family to Foligno at some point.
- We need prayer for time management too…with all that has been going on I feel like I have neglected my family a bit!
There’s so much more I could say and want to say, but I probably should
get going on my study for Sunday afternoon, since I only get one shot a
Thanks for being God’s instrument for making it happen!
Jon and Melodee, Noah and Eva