
Thank you for praying for my visit.

After my last visit in May, I confess that I was not so optimistic.

Jon and DanielBut God has a way of surprising us!

I thank God for Daniel, who insisted on coming with me to this visit.

Dr. Riccio checked me thoroughly and gave me some surprising news. Not only does he feel like my sore is healed, but he declared me oncologically healed!

I’ll need some dental work to protect my tongue, and I need to drink lots and lots of water, but the pain I feel is just scar tissue that I have to live with.

Jon and Dr. RiccioThank you for being with us on this journey. I know there will be other trials, but all glory goes to God and gratitude for how he used the prayers of His people to bring about this result after ten years.

As we said goodbye, maybe for the last time, we prayed together. Pray that the Gospel seed that was sown will bear fruit in his life!



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