Tomorrow it’s make it or break it!

There’s no tomorrow except… tomorrow…at least for Melodee’s citizenship papers.

You have been so patient with us and faithful in praying with and for us, so how could I not bring you along on yet another leg of this adventure?

Here’s the scoop: We are in one of those make it or break it situations.

We have handed the papers Melodee worked on in America to the lawyer, she had them translated and sworn in, in front of a judge.

Tomorrow at 10 AM our time (4 Am EST) we turn them with the lawyer online.

Melodee’s other documents run out on January 11th, so there can be no retries after tomorrow!

Right now Melodee is meticulously gathering the list of places and dates she lived for her whole like…which, being a pastor’s kid…is a lot!

A lot can go poorly still, but also, everything can work out if God wants it to work out.

Sometimes it can be hard to expect a happy ending when we have had our full of big little challenges…but God has brought us thus far, so we must lean on Him even more! For His glory!

Would you pray?

Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

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7 Responses to Tomorrow it’s make it or break it!

  1. Janice Tower says:

    Sure will! Praying now!!

  2. Gaile Whitman says:

    Jon , praying with you right now for this whole situation!

  3. Becky Jackson says:

    Have been praying and certainly am not going to stop☺️ Praising the Lord for His mighty power – He knows and cares!!

  4. Jonathan says:

    Thank you Becky!!! God is in control!

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