
Sometimes life comes at you with unexpected blessings and opportunities!

Greetings from my bedroom!
Now, before you either think I am a terrible slacker or worse yet a workaholic working when I am supposed to be resting in bed, let me explain.

Life can take unforeseen turns sometimes. I don’t need to tell YOU that!
Truth is…

I got another case of the COVID. Yeah… I got back from Torino rearing to go, excited to see my family again and our church family too. I also got called to play in several band concerts…

But I got Covid instead, so I got sick, had to cancel my concerts, wasn’t able to resume preaching, have not been able to serve in church at all, and I don’t get to see my family, except when they sheepishly drop my food off.

At least I have a nice view! And a comfortable bed! Melodee is stuck on the couch for the duration!

Here are a few blessings since we last spoke:
1. We were able to finalize our Italian taxes in time and even had enough money to pay for them!
Thank you to all of you who inquired on how to help us through that! Let’s just say that the money was there, and the house search is now off… but as I said, we have a great view from our window!
2. We were able to celebrate Eva’s birthday with her cousins in Imola!
3. Melodee has been amazing to me.
4. My Dad has done an outstanding job filling in with preaching and pastoral care.
5. I’m well enough today to write you!

Here are a few prayer requests:
1. Pray for Claudio and Donatella, from our church. Claudio is in critical condition with heart failure, and may very well be looking at his last days on earth.
Thankfully, my Dad, as well as Maria Luisa and others, have been able to be close to them in this time.
We started a 24-hour prayer chain for Claudio.
If you would like to sign up for a time slot, let me know.

2. Pray that I can get out of Covid by Thursday. We are supposed to lead a group from church to a conference.
3. Pray for Melodee who has so much more to do with me out of commission.
4. Pray that I can keep food down. I caught a nasty bug in Torino that keeps coming back.
5. Pray that I can make the most of this solitude. I pray we can grow in our ability to serve the Italian people and Christ’s church! Pray for my parents, and they hold down the fort and Dann and Liz finish their furlough in the States.

Jon (and Melodee)

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Pray for the Whitmans – Pray for Italy

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Buon Natale! Merry Christmas from the Whitmans!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.…
Isaiah 9:6

Christmas tree

We thank God for you this Christmas season!  Thank you for sticking with us through thick and through thin!

We recovered (mostly) from Covid just in time to enjoy a nice Christmas as a family.

Thank you for your prayers!

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Whitmans

PS. As our gift to you, here is our latest video (again)!

Pray for Italy



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When Covid Comes Home

It’s hard to believe…after dodging the bullet (only by the grace of God) for almost two years, Covid finally made it to the Whitman residence.

For roughly a week now, all four of us have come down with classic Covid-19.

I wish I could say we got the version with no symptoms, but alas, not so. The kids had serious symptoms for a few days, but for Melodee and me it is very much ongoing. We are thankful that we have been able to handle it at home. We have been quarantined since last Saturday, with most symptoms starting to appear the next day.

I was hoping that we could get some catch up work done during this time, but taking care of two hyperactive and cooped up children, feeding the family and trying to breathe between coughs has pretty much taken all of our energy so far.

On the 9th we will be tested to see if it is still in our system, otherwise we will have to wait to get out until the 14th of December.

Sadly, during this time, Giuseppe, one of our most trusted members, passed away suddenly from a heart attack. We weren’t even able to attend the funeral!

Please pray for:

  1. Complete and rapid healing.
  2. Good relations with our neighbors, who are fearful of getting sick from us.
  3. Good use of our time.
  4. For the ministry to continue to flourish in our absence.
  5. My mom, who will be heading to New York to keep my nephew Gioele, since my sister-in-law Francesca and her kids are also in quarantine, and Jeremy needs to work!

Thank you for your prayers!

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Our Newest Video

Thanks you Danilo for this video! It pretty much sums it up!

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