As I sit down to work on my message for Sunday, I realize how grateful we are for your work of prayer during this busy time of the year.
So I am stopping everything to ask for your prayers, with some fanfare, before heading back into the challenges of the day, knowing that God uses His people to further His work.
Here are my prayer requests:
- Preparation for Sunday preaching and teaching. This week I will be preaching from Hebrews 12:4-13 and teaching about biblical vision from the book of Nehemiah. Melodee will be teaching a music theory course for our worship leaders and choir members and whoever else wants to learn. I am also training the worship team on Sunday mornings as well as leading monthly lay-leader training times (Sunday afternoon), as we lead the church toward independence.
- Wednesdays, I lead our staff training and communication meetings. In particular, we are seeking to work together toward meeting our strategic goals as a team. I also have started preparing the choir for our Christmas outreach, which we are planning for the 14th of December.
Thursdays Melodee participates in a Mothers’ Bible Study. She is also leading the development of a church library.
- Fridays I teach and lead the youth ministry. Thanks to my mom staying with the kids, Melodee is able to help as well. I am excited to be sharing that responsibility with Giovanni, an Italian believer.
- Saturdays I disciple a dear brother in the church, and Melodee is involved with a decorations team and cleaning crew of the church.
- Please also continue to pray for my health. My tongue swelling has subsided some in the last day or two, but certainly there are more questions that need to be asked. (And more visits!)
- We hope to officially nominate deacons by the end of the year. We are in the process of interviewing the nominees.
- We continue to share the Gospel with people. Please pray for fruit in this, as the harvest is great.
Our children continue to grow, and we desperately need wisdom as we seek to lead them toward Christ. Please pray for Noah as he is going through some challenges at pre-school, both in language and behavior.
- We look forward to spending some time with Melodee’s parents over Christmas break. Eva will finally get to step on American soil and meet her cousins from Melodee’s side! It also means planning purchases of things we need for the family and ministry, where our dollars count!
Thank you for taking the time to pray through our requests. I realize this is a very dry letter, but let me assure you that hidden in between the lines are our tears both of joy and toil as we see God do through us and despite us all that He wills for His glory.
And your prayers are what God uses to make it all happen!
Gratefully, Jonathan and Melodee, Noah and Eva