Spreading the Truth, Spreading the Hope


Evolution-Creation ConferenceOne of the frustrating things about ministering in a “religiously Christian” country such as Italy is the blatant contradiction in beliefs that people live comfortably with every day.

Not too long ago, I spoke with a very well-educated man who was trying so hard to get his religious beliefs to coincide with his scientific beliefs.  He wanted to consider himself a Christian, but he was dogmatic about his Darwinist beliefs regarding the origins of the world.

The average Italian we speak to does not even go that far…he or she would say they believe that God created the world, but also that it created “itself” by chance.

The Italian religious system could be summarized with the following motto: “Don’t ask too many questions.  You might not like the answer.”  

Italians need to find a more solid foundation than the ones they have been relying on so far: Catholicism and Evolutionism.

  • Both of them rely blindly on the changeable word of man instead of the never-changing Word of God.
  • Both of them demand that you believe them without questioning their faulty assumptions.
  • Neither of them are founded on truth, and neither of them can give hope.

For this reason, I am asking you to pray for these seven things with us:

  1. Pray for this weekend’s meetings, when our missionary friend Massimo Mollica (the former rocket scientist) will be coming to our church to speak on the theme of Science and Faith.
    Massimo has specialized in this field and will be a great help in equipping Christians in our area and evangelizing the many unbelievers of all ages that we have invited.
  2. Pray for Massimo and their family, as they come minister to us this weekend.
  3. Pray for our church people to come, and bring their friends.
  4. Pray for our students, who are bombarded every day with false teachings in their schools.
  5. Pray for the many people to the event, to actually come.
  6. Pray that people will embrace the only Truth and only Hope: Jesus Christ, creator of Heaven and Earth.
  7. Pray that in our hearts  we may honor Christ the Lord as holy, and always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in us; yet do it with gentleness and respect. (I Peter 3:15)
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