Category Archives: Missions
Even when the world is locked down, the Gospel is our legacy
I’m so excited you could stop by!We’re on week five of our seven-week adventure.I’m really excited about what I have to share today.I’ve been wanting to share it since the beginning of the year, but I just couldn’t find the … Continue reading
Even when the world is locked down, the Gospel is for children!
I’m so happy you’re back! I’m glad we haven’t worn out our welcome yet!We’re on week four of our seven-week adventure.Today will be short, but especially sweet! Even when the world is locked down, the Gospel is for everyone!And for … Continue reading
Our first Video Update ever
You’re probably thinking: “What are you talking about?? You just sent one the other day! Funny how that works out… Wednesday I worked for two hours on this video report, then the earthquake happened. So you received a second video … Continue reading
When Jesus Didn’t Pray for the Harvest
“The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few…” The Lord has been pounding this verse into my heart lately. As a missionary, but mostly just as a follower or Jesus Christ, I daily feel the burden and the frustration … Continue reading
What is your Legacy?
Recently, I had the privilege of attending the funeral of Maria Teresa de Giustina Standridge, one of the most godly women I have ever met. People from all over Italy gathered in a suburb of Rome, in a small … Continue reading