Tag Archives: Cancer

Oncologist Report

Good news to share! Continue reading

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Jumping in Head First Without Losing Our Heads

Seven things in our life that ABSOLUTELY need your prayers this month. Psalm 127:1-2     [1] Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake … Continue reading

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Our first Video Update ever

You’re probably thinking: “What are you talking about??  You just sent one the other day! Funny how that works out… Wednesday I worked for two hours on this video report, then the earthquake happened. So you received a second video … Continue reading

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Birthday presents: early, on time or belated?

  We all love birthday presents.  Personally, I don’t even care if they are early, on time or belated.  I just love a good surprise! Most people like to celebrate their birthday, one way or another. (I say most because … Continue reading

Posted in Life in Italy, Life with God | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

When the grand finale is only the beginning…

One of the things I always enjoyed doing growing up was preparing and performing in band concerts.  One of the hardest days was the day after the concert.  All of the preparation and emotion and celebration…and then it is over.  … Continue reading

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