Surgery #6 is history

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Thank you for praying!

I thank the Lord that everything went according to plan.
There was only one tense moment for me when I was on the surgery table and the surgeon asked me: “What are we removing today?”
Shouldn’t he know that? Hopefully I sent him in the right direction!

Tomorrow I have to take my piece of tongue to the lab for the biopsy. The lab is only open in the morning, and they don’t send it there directly. That also seemed kind of odd…

I thank God that I have total coverage for all that they are doing for me related to this illness at least until 2017. Of course I hope they stop chipping away at my tongue….I’m starting to run out!

Thank you for the overwhelming encouragement and obvious work of prayer. Please continue to pray for wisdom regarding decisions for my care and that I can heal in order to continue to minister here!

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