Category Archives: Italian Food

36 Hours in Perugia, Italy –

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36 Hours in Perugia, Italy – For a quick glimpse of Perugia, you will enjoy this article.  It will help you appreciate more the place where we serve.  Thanks to Diane Lytle, for pointing it out! I’m not recommending … Continue reading

Posted in Italian Food, Life in Italy | 1 Comment

Report on our Valentines Banquet Outreach

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Thank you for the many who communicated their commitment to pray for our Valentines Banquet Outreach…and thank you most of all for praying!!!  We had a great evening. Here are a few highlights: There were 90 people present between workers … Continue reading

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More Chocolate Christmas

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Originally uploaded by Jonathan and Melodee Whitman My in-laws are here for the imminent birth of our son. When we went to the Cioccolateria where we saw the chocolate nativity scene they purchased a delightful Christmas tree for our celebrations! … Continue reading

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Chocolate Nativity Scene

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I’m not completely sure about the theology of nativity scenes, but there certainly seems to be more significance then a Christmas tree when it comes to celebrating the birth of the Messiah. They say that the first one was created … Continue reading

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