Tag Archives: Food
Starting the year with a bang!
Happy New Year!! In Italy the New Year celebration is a big deal. It is traditional to have a succulent meal with multiple appetizers, at least two kinds of pasta, two side dishes (one being lentils cooked with sausage), … Continue reading
In good hands with a good God
God is good. All the time. You know it’s true. If it weren’t true, then nothing else He said would be true. God is everything he says He is or nothing at all! He would not be reliable! But … Continue reading
Christmas in Italy
Here are the most frequently asked questions about Christmas in Italy. When and how long is Christmas? How do they decorate for Christmas? What about the Christmas tree? What do they eat for Christmas? Do they have any traditional Christmas … Continue reading
Thank You For Praying!
Thank you for praying!! Here is a quick update about the things you prayed for: 1. The Soccer outreach – We know of at least one person who gave his life to Christ after the tournament. Praise God! Dann gave … Continue reading
Report on our Valentines Banquet Outreach
Thank you for the many who communicated their commitment to pray for our Valentines Banquet Outreach…and thank you most of all for praying!!! We had a great evening. Here are a few highlights: There were 90 people present between workers … Continue reading