Category Archives: Special Prayer Request


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[1] God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. [2] Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, (Psalm 46:1-2 ESV) This morning, … Continue reading

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Making history with a Radio Outreach today

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Today we make history again as we have our first meet and greet with Radio Luce listeners from the lake area. Please Pray! — Jonathan Whitman (@whitmansprayer) April 12, 2015 Share!BufferFacebookTwitterWhatsappEmail

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Thank you for praying once again!

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  The response to pray for the event was great and immediate. Now I have a little over 24 hours to complete my sermon for Sunday! I’m really excited about this message (as usual). We are preaching through the Thessalonian … Continue reading

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Please pray for tonight’s Gospel Presentation!

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  Tonight, after several months of translating and studying the Ten Commandments with our youth through the Study “The Righteous Shall Live by Faith” we our on our last study. Last week was on the topic of The Law, and … Continue reading

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Tomorrow we are making history at the Centro Evangelico Battista!

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  Tomorrow is an important date for the life of the Centro Evangelico Battista: we are approving three men as the first deacons of our church. Please pray that God will lead clearly! Pray for their training. Pray for their … Continue reading

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