Category Archives: Theology

Making it clearer

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  Post by Jonathan and Melodee Whitman. Share!BufferFacebookTwitterWhatsappEmail

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Is the Reformation Over?

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  As we celebrate the reformation today, here are some good thoughts by Kevin DeYoung on the importance of the reformation…TODAY! Click Here Share!BufferFacebookTwitterWhatsappEmail

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Good news for those seeking to get out of purgatory faster…

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  For those of you who are trying to get out of purgatory faster there is finally some good news!  * The pope is giving free indulgences through Twitter! Read here if you do not believe me: The real … Continue reading

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More signs of the times: Pope Francis says atheists can be good

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More signs of the times…the Pope takes a clearly universalist stance on salvation. I say…why bother having a religion at all? What Christianity can there be without truth?  Was God a liar when he condemned people to hell for their … Continue reading

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Habemus Papam

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  March has come and gone.  Certainly it was the “month of the popes” in so many ways.  Popes don’t usually resign.  The last one that resigned, in 1415 and by force, still had two or more popes and antipopes … Continue reading

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