Tag Archives: Family
Thank you for Praying!
Thank you so much for praying for us here a the conference in Malta. The prayer response was overwhelming, just as was God’s answer to the prayers lifted up. There is undoubtedly a correlation between the the prayers and … Continue reading
Starting the year with a bang!
Happy New Year!! In Italy the New Year celebration is a big deal. It is traditional to have a succulent meal with multiple appetizers, at least two kinds of pasta, two side dishes (one being lentils cooked with sausage), … Continue reading
Incredibly Good News
We simply HAD to give you the great news while it is less than a day old… THE ITALIAN GOVERNMENT GRANTED MELODEE HER PERMANENT RESIDENCE CARD!!! We praise the Lord for granting us what was deemed “nearly impossible” by … Continue reading
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by God’s work in your life? Does your life ever remind you of those avalanches that are so common in the Alps, only a few hundred miles from here? Truthfully, I am guessing that if … Continue reading
News from Milan – from Melodee!
I want to preface this note by expressing my personal gratitude to you for all of the love and prayerful concern you have demonstrated toward us, particularly in the last few weeks as we have taken a step of … Continue reading