Category Archives: Announcement

Interview with Randal Gilmore

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Join us at 6 PM EST tomorrow (Sunday) on on Facebook Live for an interview with Randal Gilmore, Director of the Gospel Story-arc™ Project and great friend and mentor! Share!BufferFacebookTwitterWhatsappEmail

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Saying goodbye

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After hundreds of miles of blessings and smiles, the time has come for us to say our goodbyes. Tuesday morning we fly back to Italy. Thank you to all who have made this furlough extra special by your hospitality, your … Continue reading

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A unique opportunity for you and an amazing opportunity for our church!

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I don’t often forward notes from others, but I just received a note from my parents, veteran missionaries Fred and Rachel Whitman, that you do not want to miss. First, they talk about a unique opportunity: an Italian Christian History … Continue reading

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We have deacons

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Yesterday the church voted almost unanimously for Jeremy, Giovanni, and Nicola to be our first deacons. It’s unsettling to delegate more responsibility away from the missionaries, but we all agree that we could not have chosen three better men for … Continue reading

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Tomorrow we are making history at the Centro Evangelico Battista!

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  Tomorrow is an important date for the life of the Centro Evangelico Battista: we are approving three men as the first deacons of our church. Please pray that God will lead clearly! Pray for their training. Pray for their … Continue reading

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