Tag Archives: Prayer

Still in Milan

  God doesn’t always answer the way we would have imagined. Wednesday morning, as I was reading my devotions, the Lord put some verses on my heart.  In Psalm 77:1 the Psalmist describes his situation: I cry aloud to God, … Continue reading

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Heading Out! Three quick prayer requests for my cancer-fighting adventures

  Can you believe it? Tomorrow is the day I go to Milan! Around 4 AM my Dad will take my Mom and me to Terontola, the closest train hub station. From there we will be taking a train to … Continue reading

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Second Milan Visit

  Thank you for your prayers! If you were one of the OVER FIFTY PEOPLE who signed up for our prayer chain, I have some blessings to share with you. Cenni had most of the tumor removed from her brain … Continue reading

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When positive is not so positive…God is still in control!

Let’s face it…sometimes life gets a little complicated.  For example, I never understood why with cancer positive is negative and negative is positive.  Then again, nobody ever accused me of being a mathematical genius. In any case, this morning I … Continue reading

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Surgery #6 is history

  Thank you for praying! I thank the Lord that everything went according to plan. There was only one tense moment for me when I was on the surgery table and the surgeon asked me: “What are we removing today?” … Continue reading

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