Tag Archives: Prayer request
God is at work in Foligno! An update
Several people wrote me asking me: “How did it go?” The amazing thing is that I have not been back in the office since the day of the concert. I think we set a new record of busyness! Thursday night … Continue reading
Foligno: Make it or break it!
When we returned to Italy on September 5th we didn’t have the slightest idea how rapidly God would be moving the work in Foligno. Now we have an urgent prayer request for you. This year Perugia celebrates 25 years of … Continue reading
Great opportunities ahead!
Five ways everything is about to change. As I write this note to you from the comfort of my in-laws’ dining room, I’m conscious about the fact that everything is about to get a little crazy. I’ll admit, this summer … Continue reading
Lost and Found
I’m sure you can relate…that sinking suspicion that something is missing… As we stood in line to re-enter the United States Tuesday evening, we realized that with all the craziness we had left Melodee’s purse on the airplane. All … Continue reading
Jumping in Head First Without Losing Our Heads
Seven things in our life that ABSOLUTELY need your prayers this month. Psalm 127:1-2 [1] Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake … Continue reading